Cloud Enablement

Drive next generation business growth through end-to-end cloud solutions, designed and deployed for you by Canzuki on the world's leading technology platforms.

With scalable computing resources on hand, we help you migrate resource-intensive processes, delivering greater agility, flexibility and security for your operational needs.

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photo of outer space
person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer

Application Modernisation

We transform legacy applications to enable your organisation to become more agile and efficient.

Untangling legacy systems and decoupling the business from outdated technology improves efficiency, reduces costs, and decreases security risks.

Canzuki partners with clients to understand business needs, then deliver pathways forward.

woman in black long sleeve shirt holding white paper
woman in black long sleeve shirt holding white paper

Cloud Migration

Canzuki partners with businesses to transform their digital capabilities through the frictionless migration of existing applications and platforms to the cloud.

We work with the world's leading cloud service providers to ensure the integrity and stability of your data and applications, and can cater to hosting requirements that meet your security needs.

person using MacBook Pro
person using MacBook Pro

Cloud Native Development

Fast and Flexible Development
woman placing sticky notes on wall
woman placing sticky notes on wall

With Canzuki's cloud-native development services, application development is made independent of the infrastructure it will be deployed on.

This gives you the flexibility to create the best code possible, and test your new applications without infrastructure limitations.

person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer
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turned-on monitor
Reduced Overheads

With Canzuki's automated deployment checks and infrastructure management, fewer bugs are released to production.

This helps reduce the workload on cloud engineers, freeing them for new strategic and revenue-generating initiatives.

With Canzuki's expertise in AWS, GCP, and Azure, your deployment infrastructure is as flexible and scalable as you need it to be.

Automatically scale up and down on-the-fly based on traffic and distributed geographic loads.

Rapid Scaling